Tag Archive | prevention

So, if you’re thinking, ” Maybe I can help,” please do!


Like millions of people I was shocked and saddened at the death of Robin Williams…I admired his work in the movies and his ability to tickle your funny bone. I especially loved “Patch Adams” because as a nurse and mental health advocate I know how important humor is in our lives. I once attended a workshop with the real Patch Adams and loved every moment of it.
As someone who knows depression I wish I could have shared with him what brought me out of that dark hole.

Robin Williams…R.I.P. You will be missed!

Depression…will have you existing behind a veil of darkness. Slowly, killing your dreams and goals…
Over 20 years ago I overdosed on prescription pain medications and over the counter drugs, ironically I was a nurse on the psychiatric unit of a hospital. I was great at taking care of others while my own baggage was becoming too much to bear.
When I awoke in an emergency room I knew I had hit the bottom of the black hole that had been haunting me… That end was my beginning of a journey to claim my life of passion and purpose that I deserved to have.
Since that time I have dedicated myself to helping educate others on depression; prevention and resources for help.
Extremely important, is breaking the stigma connected to depression that keeps many people from reaching out for the help they need.

As you see…depression does not discriminate. It doesn’t care about how famous you are…the color of your skin, your age, how many degrees you have or how much money you have in the in the bank. Look around you…Many people wear mask to hide what they’re really feeling, after all…what would happen if YOU knew?

The passing of Robin Williams has shed light around the world on this illness…hopefully it will help save someone else’s life. 

Listen to your friends and loved ones who may be going through a rough time…Sometimes what they don’t say may speak louder than what they do say.
Don’t be afraid to ask “How are you really doing?
Let them know that they can trust you and that you really care.
Follow through with them to find the help they need.
If you’re not sure how to approach the conversation, talk to someone who can advise you , here is one of many 24 hour hotlines.

Suicide Prevention & Crisis Hotline 1-800-273-8255

If you’d like to check out my book …Depression Free… A Wise Woman’s Guide to Healing and Happiness you can click below:


Let’s care for one another and strive to live with passion and purpose!
