Archive | April 2012

Pumped Up! Prayed Up! and ready to Go!!!

Welcome to a brand spanking new day that you haven’t seen before and will never see again!

Don’t stress over what happened yesterday cause you can’t change it! Don’t worry about tomorrow because it’s not a promise to you…But…if you are reading this blog that means God has blessed you with breath another day! He’s blessed you with sight to read this and enough income to afford the device your viewing it on! There must be a roof over your head and at least a little food in the fridge?

Blessings to count!

When something is challenging my peace of mind I often …Recite the Serenity Prayer.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

                                            –  Reinhold Niebuhr (if you would like the complete can Google it)

When you seriously think about those words and apply them to what’s going on in your life you may find yourself making better decisions and saving yourself unnecessary stress!

Well, I’m going to enjoy my day with family and friends and hope you do the same! (Oh, and if you don’t happen to be with family or friends, Enjoy your day with yourself!)





A Wise Woman Once Told Me

 Through life’s experiences we all have learned some lessons!… Today’s challenge is to dig deep into yourself and share in 25 words or less something positive that you have learned that you would like to share  with another Sister ( for this blog sister is a connection to other women regardless of color) that may brighten her day…boost her self-esteem, and give her strength…and encouragement! ( we never know what someone is going through and how a few simple words can turn they’re life around! )

God bless us all!

Okay…okay….I’ll go first!

Only after you have learned to love yourself …can you truly love someone else!

Okay…your turn!  🙂





After the break up!

Don’t let one bad apple spoil the rest of your life!

 We believed love with that special someone would be  forever, but sometimes… time passes and it’s not forever. It failed… Remember what was good…let go of the bad…learn the lessons and allow your heart to healgrow… and then free it to try again.

Love  cannot be bought…it’s priceless and when you have it , it is sooooo, much more powerful than the pain of a past , if you let it be.

Remember that there are plenty of good fish in the sea …and you only want one!

Know what you wantneed…and deserve but don’t expect more than you are capable of, or are willing to give!






Mirror..Mirror…on the Wall





After combing my hair this morning and applying a tad of eye shadow and lip gloss I stopped to just take a moment and really look at myself in the mirror and reflect on where I had been …where I wanted to go and most of all where I am right now today… in my personal growth.

On a scale of 1-10 I gave myself a 9 plus because there is always room for improvement. What I am most happy about is that my spirit and soul are at peace. That even though I am still sometimes challenged by the behavior of someone or something I have no control over I am able to choose how I handle the situations. (I like something I heard Steve Harvey say “You can’t have a testimony without a test!” Well… let me tell ya! God’s given me plenty of both! In fact let me ask him…“God…am I not strong enough yet?” ( I think he has a great sense of humor !)
As we know from some of our beloved super stars like Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston not finding your peace can lead to deadly outcomes. Money cannot buy it for you.
I look in the mirror and I am simply content with me. Doesn’t mean there aren’t imperfections or things I want to change… It means that I accept me as I am. Doesn’t matter what Judy, John or Mary thinks!
It’s about loving the person in the mirror…The only person you have complete control over.
So as you put the glamour on and the great smile you show others on the outside…are you feeling the same on the inside???

Would enjoy hearing your comments….




The Gift!

Each morning we awake we receive a gift, the gift of life.
How will you use yours?

Will you be grateful for another day, counting your blessings or taking time to pray?

Will you forget the angry moments from the day gone by, and commit yourself to be willing to try?

Will you tell someone “I love you…I really do care,” remembering that life is short, and they may not always be there.

Will you take time to gaze at the sky, watch the blue clouds drift and the birds flying by?

Will you stop and smell a flower, give a hug to your child…or snap your fingers to a happy beat and give someone a priceless smile?

Tell me, how will you use your gift today?


I invite you to check out my book, A Wise Woman’s Guide to Healing and Happiness at for more tools for happier living. – Ameenah

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More… Food for Thought!

Hi there…Well…If you’re reading this  you’ve been blessed to see another day! and…I appreciate you taking  the time to check out this blog!

More Food for Thought!

  1. Accept people for who they are, and let them be.
  2. Your life is made up of emotional seasons of dormancy, growth, and renewal. ( what season are you in?)
  3. God does answer our prayers—not always as quickly as we want him to, but… always on time.
  4. Don’t  to be afraid to ask the right questions, and… ask as many as you need, to be informed and understand.
  5. Adopt a positive and optimistic attitude… It  can change your life.
  6. Count your blessings and be grateful for what you do have, instead of complaining about what you
  7. Trust  your thoughts and instincts because they are usually right.
  8. Know  that  love… sometimes means letting go.
  9. Don’t waste  your time around complainers, whiners, and naysayers.
  10. With faith in God and belief in yourself,  YoU can accomplish whatever you set out to do.

Go have a fantastic day and remember…  it’s not what happens to YoU but…how you handle what happens to YoU!

What Inspirational  food for thought comments would you like to share?

I invite you to check out my book, A Wise Woman’s Guide to Healing and Happiness at for more tools for happier living. – Ameenah

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Anger! 3 reasons to Let Go… 3 solutions that can help!

Are you still holding on to anger from past relationships…a dysfunctional parent/child relationship…sibling rivalry …stressful job or  other situations that put us in fight or flight mode?
Well, here’s …

  Good reasons to let go!
1. Anger, resentment, hate, and guilt are emotional viruses that attack and eat away at your heart, your spirit, and your soul.
2. The stress brought on by these emotions are damaging to your physical and mental health.
3. Holding on to these emotions immobilize you and keep you from growing and moving on to what can bring you peace, prosperity and happiness.

   3  Great ways to start the process of letting go!

1. Let Go and Let GOD…as a person who’s been challenged and tested more times than I care to remember (and still being tested) I stand firm in knowing that having faith in God (whatever faith you are and whatever name you call him) is a key in giving you the strength to endure …I am a witness that what doesn’t kill you definitely makes you stronger!
2. Choose to love yourself to the point where you no longer want to give these emotions the power and control they have over you. Remember…this is for you to move on with your life! You want to smile again, live again… love again!
3. Don’t be afraid to talk with someone…not just your buddy! (Counselor, spiritual adviser, etc.)Talk with someone you trust. Someone who can be objective and not just tell you what you want to hear, but tell you what you need to hear! And then provide you with a shoulder to lean on and the emotional tools to help get you where you want to go!

Allowing your heart, soul and spirit to heal, closes a door and opens a window of opportunities for healthy living!

Is there anything you need to let go of today?

I invite you to check out my book, A Wise Woman’s Guide to Healing and Happiness at for more tools for happier living. – Ameenah

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